Auto kreacija Mališ d.o.o.

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  • Services
    Services Organisations may draw upon the services of management consultants for a number of reasons, including gaining external (and presumably objective) advice and access to the consultants' specialised expertise.
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  • Consulting
    Consulting Management consulting refers to both the industry and the practice of helping organisations to improve their performance, primarily through the analysis of existing organisational problems and development of plans for improvement.
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  • Management
    Management Consultancies may also provide organisational change management assistance, development of coaching skills, technology implementation, strategy development, or operational improvement services.
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Contact Details

Gračec 10a
10000 Zagreb, Croatia
T/F +385 1 5620528
M +385 91 7935200
M +385 91 5135324

  • Organization Change management
  • Result Performing work tasks
  • Tasks Most effective or efficient ways


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